English languaje challenges.

 Hello everyone. 

Today l will talk about my experience in English courses, specifically in the last one because with English IV  l have already finished these classes. My experience at the university in the English courses has been quite pleasant and good, l feel that l have learned what l have studied, l consider that learning English more than difficult is having the responsibility and maily the desire to be constant. In my case, l have learned about reading and listening but l still lack too much in writing and speaking and this is because l have given low priority to the language. But for me it has been a great advance at least to read something and understand and also to listen and understand.   

The use of blogs l have been practicing since last semester and l have found it very enterntaining, first because it is a space to tell some of your thoughts and experiences also because it is an opportunity to learn more words and to be able to improve the writing in English every day. 

I have too much to learn, in a while l plan to do an English course where l can dedicate more time, therefore l would like to start from scratch. 

These days my level of study in English has been minimal, l have been collapsed with the university and with work, therefore, l am only complying with what is requested in the course itself. In all the courses that l have taken in the U l have tried to be constant, but l get to a point that l don't stay long and l just try to comply, for this reason l want to take a separate course, because l consider that learning English is something essential both for our life as in the workplace. 


  1. Hi Angela!
    The truth is that it also considers it very important to have knowledge for our work environment, since it can open more doors to more jobs in different places.

  2. hi Angela :)
    I completely agree with you, knowing English is a very useful tool to obtain different opportunities in the future.

  3. hi angela! i agree with you, and i hope you can take a English course, it will be very helpfull :)

  4. I am happy that you improved your reading skills in English :)

  5. hi angela!
    I hope that in the future you will have more opportunities to practice your English ! Your blogs have always been quite fun and interesting.


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